transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature
transparent facade nature

Nasjonalt fløtingsmuseum

Nature is a focal point in the design of the museum, with the unique landscape, flora and fauna of the wetlands being embraced by the deck, mitigating the transition from river to building. The wooden deck mimics floating timber as a nod to the historic practices and as a theme connects the museum through all its rooms and functions.

URBAN POWER designed the proposal for Fetsund’s new museum for Museene i Akershus.

The building is designed almost exclusively in wood with the large transparent facade securing a view of the river from the entrance and through, with the intention of creating an all time present connection to nature. Inside, the  communication hall is the unifying element, providing a comfortable place to enjoy a break while observing the wetland nature at close hand. The different sections of auditorium, exhibition and café open up into it, with the deck being likewise seamlessly accessible from here, providing visitors, employees and the townspeople with an attractive, social meeting place. 

  • Location Fetsund, Norway
  • Client Museene i Akershus
  • Year 2020
  • Status Competition entry
  • Program National Log Driving Museum
  • Site area 13.193 m²
  • Floor area 6.550 m²
  • Team Rune Veile, Sara Buhl Bjelke, Arne Cermak Nielsen, Javier Sainz, Jasper Au

Nasjonalt fløtingsmuseum Fetsund NO

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